Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to Set a Pitfall Trap In Runescape

Once you get to the pitfall trapping hunting area, make sure that you have a teasing stick in your inventory and look for a depression in the ground where you can build a pitfall trap. If you right-click on the area you should see the Trap Pit option like in the screenshot below.You may need some rs gold for help in Runescape.
Build a Pitfall Trap In Runescape
With a knife and logs in your inventory, click on the depression to construct the pitfall trap.
Runescape Sample Pitfall Trap

With the teasing stick in your inventory (note that the teasing stick can not be equipped), right-click on the beast you want to trap and select the Tease option.
Tease the Beast In Runescape

Once the animal starts to attack you, get it to chase you to the pitfall trap. Click on the trap to jump over it. The creature will try to jump over it also. If the animal falls in the trap while trying to jump over it, you can go back and retrieve the loot from the pit.
Runescape Animal Trapped in Pit
If the creature manages to jump over the trap (which will happen a lot, especially at lower levels), you’ll have to lead it to a new pitfall trap to jump over. The beasts are smart enough not to try to jump over the same trap twice in a row.
One tactic that you can use is to construct two pitfall traps close to one another. This way, if the creature manages to jump over one, you can lure it to the second one. If it still manages to clear the second one, you can return to the first one, effectively running back and forth between the two traps.
It’s important to note that, unlike in other hunting methods, creatures that can be pitfall trapped will attack you once you’ve poked at them with the teasing stick. You may want to carry some food with you to use for healing so you don’t have to wait around as much.

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